Wednesday 26 February 2014


Hey out there!
Yes, all of you who happened to pass by.
You are very, very welcome!

I have been doing a blog in my mother tongue, russian, for almost 5 years and came to an understanding about how dear and important it is for me - to be able to say things and be heard while saying them. My life during these five years has changed significantly, and so did I, and so did my blog. I am still writing it, but
while it is a deeply personal thing, with time passing I start to feel a desperate need in another one - which I want to be a spirit atlas of the world around us, map of adventures and scatter of stories - to remind myself and people around how beautiful and imposiible the world around us is even in the smallest details.

I will be writing in English mainly, sometimes translating things into Russian, sometimes - into other languages I'm desperately trying to learn at the moment. I hope, you will enjoy it as much as I do enjoy writing and sharing. 



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